St. Martin of Tours Episcopal Church



Sunday Morning Prayer: 10:00am, once a month
Holy Communion:
10:00am, three times a month

St. Martin of Tours Episcopal Church
620 SE First St., Pryor, OK 74361

About Us

Open Our Arms to You….We welcome all who follow Christ or want to know him, We cherish diversity, We are inclusive of all persons — those who are like us and those who differ from us
Open Our Hearts to You….We love each other and those who come into our community, We lavish hospitality, inside and outside our walls, We seek and extend forgiveness to each other
Open Our Minds to You….We base the authority for our faith and our lives on the Bible, the traditions of the Church, and the exercise of our God-given reason, We embrace the fundamental beliefs of Christianity about the nature of God the Father, God’s son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, but respect differences in how those beliefs are lived out, We study — the Bible, and those who make sense of it and our faith — seeking to form our Christian identity from them and from each other.
